Embark - Week 1
Setting Sail
Weekly Resources
Leader Notes
Do you want to be part of an incredible, transformational, talk-about-it-the-rest-of-your-life kind of small group?
Your group should be the best part of your week. But for most of us, it's not. Too many of us have experienced groups that felt awkward, forced, and, well ... boring.
It doesn't have to be this way.
In fact, it shouldn’t be this way! Our groups should be bursting with life, depth, and the kind of authentic community Jesus modeled.
Throughout the next few months, using as part of the introduction each week, you will begin to learn more by sharing small bits of your stories through the icebreakers provided.
Week Before Timeline
Send a welcome message five days prior to your first meeting: introduce yourself, provide Session 1 link for an overview, and digital log-in details.
Use the Welcome Guide during group.
Meeting Timeline
During the Group
Getting Started:
When everybody is welcomed and gathered, kick off the meeting by having someone from the group read the following out loud: “Welcome to Embark! Over the next six meetings, you are going to explore and discover what you want this group to be about spiritually, relationally, and logistically. We don’t know about you, but we don’t like when a group feels like an obligation or something to check off our list, and we definitely don’t like walking away from meeting together thinking, “Was that a good use of my time?” Instead, we want to help you make this group an intentional and transformational part of your life—something you look forward to and prioritize because it’s that worthwhile. As Psalm 107:23–24 says, we want to go see God’s wonders in the deep together. This session will be a little different as we kick it off. Our main goal for tonight is to get to know each other and enjoy each other’s company.”
Have someone pray to open this time, thanking God for the journey you’re about to start together.
Watch the Embark Session 1 Video
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Additional Resources